I adopted Roxy from the Humane Society of Boulder Valley in August 2009. Roxy is an approximately 1.5-year-old, 55-lb, suspected Labrador Retriever/Siberian Husky mix, though she might have some Bull Terrier in her as well. She was rescued as a stray in Kansas, and brought to HSBV.
However, my personal schedule has changed recently, which was not expected when I adopted her. I will be traveling for 7-8 weeks over the next four months: 2-4 weeks starting March 22, and five weeks starting in the last week of May. This is too long a period of time to board Roxy, both for cost and from the standpoint of her health. Further, Roxy's life with me is sub-optimal - she's either at home in my small condo, or on a leash outside, with only weekly visits to day care to let off steam.
Considering the combination of my upcoming travel and her quality of life, I tried to relinquish Roxy earlier this week to HSBV. But her multiple issues - most of them borderline, see below - deemed her unadoptable at HSBV.
Rather than euthanize her, I reclaimed Roxy, but with the explicit view of finding her a new home soon. Below, I describe her issues and good points, and hope that someone out there can take her up and provide her a good home.
Issues with Roxy: Roxy has gotten over her separation anxiety, though it took her about 6 months. Initially, she expressed her anxiety through scratching and pawing at the door for up to an hour, before tiring/giving up - nothing more destructive. (I have videos!)
In the last month or so, she has started misbehaving while at daycare (ankle-biting). She plays rough, and even if the other dog doesn't want to play, Roxy nips at him/her and starts a fight (thankfully, nothing serious yet). The attendants at Camp Bow-Wow put her down for a nap, which seems to help. I just realized that this misbehavior started after I took her off ClomiPRAMINE, which was supposed to help her get over the separation anxiety.
Roxy has also shown signs of guarding her food bowl and rawhide while at daycare and at the Humane Society, though never at home with me.
Now that Roxy's over her separation anxiety, she tends to run off exploring for up to an hour or more, if I let her off-leash. She returns when she's exhausted, but this means that I now keep her on-leash at all times - there's a school close by, and a loose dog that sorta looks like a pit bull terrier could scare kids (but definitely their parents!)
Roxy chases cats, but more out of curiosity. Still, I would not recommend a home with cats.
But Roxy's a good dog:
Roxy is great with people and kids, unless the person is a stranger with a large bag (she barks.)She was house-broken when I got her, so someone owned her before she became a stray. She has been through the HSBV beginner's training class, and knows commands like sit, down, stay (working on recall.)
She usually plays well with similar-size/larger dogs and confident little dogs, though not with yappy little dogs or cats.
Now that she has spent a good length of time with me, she is OK left alone at home for 8 hours or so, though at the start of such days I run with her for about 3 miles and feed her with a frozen Kong.
I have only had her chew a couple things over the last 7 months, and that was when I was away for longer periods than usual. It could be that her experience as a stray made her rather self-reliant, and the switch back to domestic life, in addition to her energetic nature, makes her bored, resulting in gnawed furniture! I believe that if she had a largish yard to play in and explore, or another doggy companion or doggy daycare* 1-2 times/week, she'd be quite content, and leave the furniture alone.
I recently left her with friends for two weeks while I was out of town, and she quickly became attached to my male friend. She'd get somewhat anxious if he left the room, even if his wife was there. However, her anxiety manifests at a much lower level than it used to when I got her from HSBV. So any separation anxiety with a new owner might not be too bad.
*I have re-started Roxy on ClomiPRAMINE, but this drug takes 4-6 weeks to become effective. However, once she's on it, Roxy's misbehavior at daycare might likely reduce - while on ClomiPRAMINE, she was a great dog at daycare.
I will be working on her food bowl-guarding issues, with the aid of an HSBV trainer.
If you think you can provide Roxy a good home, please contact me: randomsubu AT gmail. Thanks!
UPDATE: Pictures! The three nice pictures were taken by Theron (notanyron) - thanks!
UPDATE 3/13/10: Roxy has found a new home! Thanks, Tabetha!
I had the joy of watching Roxy for a couple of weeks. I would take her from Subu in a heartbeat if I could.
Thanks, Theron!
Roxie is a very sweet dog. She IS good with kids and larger, older dogs. She has been at our house multiple times. We just can't take her.
Thanks, Mindy!
Roxy is a smart, sweet, and loving dog; and she would make for a great pet! I was lucky to meet her when Theron brought her into the office every day for two weeks (I share an office with Theron). I wish I could take her, but the timing is bad since a new baby is getting all the family's attention right now.
Stan Matz (posted by Theron since Stan doesn't happen to have a Google account)
Thanks, Stan!
p.s. Keep up the good fight against TEH GOOGLE :-)
Wish I could take her.Have my own dog issues. What does the ClomiPRAMINE do with respect to behavior? Thanks
Hi Glenn:
Originally, the ClomiPRAMINE was prescribed as an aid for separation anxiety. It doesn't cure the anxiety, but is supposed to make the dog more trainable. So the ClomiPRAMINE is part of a regimen of exercise and gradual build-up of periods alone in the home.
I had taken Roxy off the drug when she had gotten over her separation anxiety, but then she started misbehaving at daycare - she wouldn't listen to the folks there, unlike earlier when she was on the drug. So I talked to the HSBV trainer and vet, and they are allowing me to try it out again...
What issues do you have with your cute pup?
is she still available?? if so please email me at onyxhalo2007@gmail.com. thanks!!
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